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The city of San Juan Capistrano will take over the community-led Arroyo Birdhouse Park with plans to update the eclectic neighborhood attraction.

This park has been occupying a small area of city land next to the San Juan Creek Trail for decades, said councilmembers, and is known for its array of colorful decorative birdhouses, handmade statues and a variety of trinkets placed by locals over the years.

Planning for the city to take over care for the park began in May when Mayor Howard Hart and Councilmember Troy Bourne met with community members, citing safety concerns for residents who use the nearby trail. Councilmembers unanimously voted on Tuesday, Nov. 7, for the city to assume the upkeep and improvements for the park, in addition to managing the park just like other city parks.

“This still remains the community’s park,” Hart said at the meeting.

Construction and projects within the park area are expected to occur in two phases: improvements and landscaping. The first will begin this winter with the removal of the birdhouses and the existing landscape, including all of the trees.

But the infamous birdhouses — and the Arroyo Birdhouse Park name — aren’t going anywhere.

Birdhouses that are in good condition will be returned to the park once improvements have concluded, said Kristen Hauptli, the city’s senior management analyst. The city also plans to add industry-standard birdhouses to the collection, and people will be able to add more down the line.

After the removal process is finished, around spring 2024, the second phase will commence where new landscape and hardscape will be added to the park. This will include native plants and pollinators, a new path, fencing, benches and a picnic table.

A lending library will also be installed with the help of local Eagle Scout Troop 757.

Community members were involved in the design process, said Hauptli, and provided the city with feedback and suggestions at meetings over the last few months with the city’s Parks, Equestrian and Community Services Commission.

“I think it is really important that the city does not stick their nose in this community asset and over-regulate it,” Councilmember John Campbell said.

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