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Dear Liz: We paid a lot for our house, and a lot to renovate it seven years ago. My banker recommended taking a low-interest loan against our assets at the bank instead of selling investments to pay for the renovations, which cost $900,000. The bank offered a rate of prime plus half a point. Up until a year ago, this loan cost me about $1,200 to $1,600 per month. However, those payments have now jumped to about $5,000 per month. I’m selling stocks and bonds, on which I will have to pay taxes, to cover this amount. We have enough to pay off the loan, which is what my banker has suggested doing since interest rates have gone up so much. However, my wife and I are reluctant to liquidate so much in stocks and bonds. We would incur the tax consequences and it would not leave us as liquid as we would like to be. We love our house and neighborhood, and we are locked in a mortgage rate of 2.65% for another six years, so we are reluctant to sell. Any advice?

Answer: Your options aren’t great, but you already knew that.

As you’ve learned, variable-rate loans are inherently risky and better for short-term borrowing than for financing long-term debt. Interest rates stayed so low for so long that many people lost sight of the risk that affordable payments might not stay that way.

Interest rates are unlikely to plunge any time soon, but paying off the loan by selling investments could leave you house rich and cash poor. If interest rates do ease, you could regret having incurred unnecessary taxes — plus the investments you sell can’t earn you future returns.

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Trying for a cash-out mortgage is another potential solution with significant disadvantages, given current high mortgage rates. Selling your home could be the best option if you can’t afford the property but may be an overreaction if you can.

The right solution will depend on the details of your financial situation. A fiduciary financial advisor — someone dedicated to putting your best interests first — could help you make a more informed decision about what to do next.

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