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Bill Essayli’s righteous stand against drunk driving politicians – Press Enterprise

Los Angeles Assemblymember Wendy Carrillo became the latest Democratic lawmaker to get arrested for suspicion of drunk driving last week.

Carrillo was arrested 1:35 a.m. on Friday after crashing her car into two parked vehicles, which she explained to an officer at the scene was due to a sneeze. Later, it was reported that Carrillo was found with a blood alcohol level twice the legal limit.

Carrillo’s arrested follows the May arrest of Orange County Democratic Sen. Dave Min for driving twice the legal limit in a state vehicle.

“This behavior is emblematic of the supermajority Democrat party in Sacramento. They are literally drunk with power and believe they are above the law,” responded Assemblyman Bill Essayli, R-Corona, on Twitter. “There must be accountability. I will be bringing back my resolution #HR51 when we reconvene session in January to strip her and other members who are convicted of a DUI of their state vehicle.”

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Essayli previously attempted to get lawmakers to take up his resolution, but most lawmakers, including Carrillo, refused to support a vote on the proposal.

Also refusing to support the proposal was Riverside Assemblymember Sabrina Cervantes, whose sister, Clarissa, has twice been convicted of driving under the influence. Clarissa is running for Sabrina’s Assembly seat. Sabrina is now running for state Senate.

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