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Despite a new law, few California school districts appear to be telling state officials when they’ve suffered a major cyberattack and those that do report problems are turning down aid.

Statewide, 38 of the state’s 945 public school districts, 1,283 charter schools, and 58 county offices of education suffered serious cyberattacks in 2023, according to a new report.

The nine-page report on California school districts, first released in January by the California Cybersecurity Integration Center to the state Legislature, was released to the Southern California News Group in response to a California Public Records Act request. The report is mandated by a 2022 law, Assembly Bill 2355, that requires school districts, county offices of education and charter schools to report cyberattacks affecting more than 500 pupils or staff members to Cal-CSIC.

Peter Reiher, a network security specialist and adjunct professor of computer science at UCLA’s Samueli School of Engineering, said the center’s report may not adequately reflect the scope of cyberattacks in the state’s public educational institutions.

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“It looks like they were not getting a lot of cooperation from the school districts at all,” Reiher said. “It sounds like most of the districts didn’t respond (to Cal-CSIC inquiries) at all.

“I can’t say that’s surprising,” he added. “I’m sure there’s little money (in school districts) devoted to seeing if they were hacked at all and they didn’t see much value in reporting this information.”

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Information about security incidents reported to the center, or those which the center found through other means, was often limited:

According to the report, statewide, there were 16 reported cybersecurity incidents in 2023 that each affected more than 500 pupils or staff, one that affected fewer than 500 people and 21 where the reporting agency didn’t provide that information.

A total of 17 data breaches were reported to the center, including 13 data breaches of school district computer systems (with two also involving ransomware), three of charter schools computer systems (with one also involving ransomware) and one of a county office of education system that combined a data breach and ransomware.

Ransomware — software that locks up a device or data until the owner agrees to pay a ransom to (hopefully) unlock it — was the second-most common form of reported attack.

Hackers only infecting school districts with ransomware some of the time makes sense to Reiher.

“It might be that school districts are, in many cases, too poor to pay up. They’re just not going to be worth the trouble” to hackers, he said. “Hackers are in this for the money. If they hack 12 school districts and 11 of them don’t pay up, and they hack 12 businesses and eight of them pay up, they’re going to go for the businesses.”

Five school districts reported being hit with ransomware, as did three charter schools and three county offices of education, according to the Cal-CIS report. Two school districts and one county office of education reported being hit with malware (malicious software intended to damage or disrupt computer systems), viruses or scams sometimes known as “scareware” that try to trick victims into purchasing software or services they don’t need.

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